Dude, Where is my country by Michael Moore
' They kill 3000 of our countrymen and its terrorism.
We kill 6000 of their countrymen and its liberation ! '
Everybody must have heard the name of Michael Moore. The guy who on winning the coveted Oscar used the stage to denounce his own President and his policies, the one man army trying as hard as John Kerry to remove Bush from office. Michael Moore is easily the biggest critic of George W Bush. He is the maker of documentaries like Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. I was surprised to find out that he is an author with a few bestsellers to his credit.
The book will seem similar to Fahrenheit 9/11. Like the documentary, this book is also concentrated on questioning the drama leading to Bush's election in 2000, policies of Bush administration and the War on Iraq. It also presents the commercial relations between Bush family, Saudi Royal Family and Oil Tycoons. I guess everyone is familiar with most of the facts, figures, incidents in the book but still there are few facts that I did not know e.g. Many of us are aware that Dick Cheney, Vice President was CEO of Haliburton Corporation but atleast I was unaware of the fact that Zalmay Khalilzad, US Ambassador to Afghanistan and Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan were Unocal employees.When such facts check out on the net, it makes you wonder.
You still might disagree with me on the reason to read this book. For such people, the reason is FUN. The book is outrageously funny full of sarcasm coupled with a satirical style. It has chapters titled How to Stop Terrorism, Stop Being a Terrorist! and Jesus W Christ.
Initial chapters present various facts and figures, central chapters are purely comic and the last chapters concentrate on US politics and the upcoming US elections (this book was written b4 the Presidential Elections). These last chapters can be skipped.
Michael Moore goes a bit overboard criticizing not only Bush (in my opinion) but almost every commercial entity in US. He also tries to show the hardships he had to face while trying to get this book printed. However, the point that he was able to get his books published and present his movies/documentaries, itself is a tribute to democracy and will of the people. There are worse ways to pass your time than reading this book e.g. watching Mr & Mrs Smith.
PS: Atleast read the chapter Jesus W Christ under any circumstances
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